Jumat, 23 Mei 2014

Something You Should or Should Not Do and Can or Cannot Do

1    1. Library
    • You are allowed to do the job in a library
    • You are not allowed to drink in the library
    • You supposed to read the books in the library
• You are not supposed to make noise in the library

2    2. Museum
    • You are permitted to ask the guards about the museum artifacts
    • You are not permitted to touch the artifacts
    • You are expected to follow the rules of the museum
    • You are not expected to immodestly dressed

3    3.Restaurant
   • You are allowed to choose your favorite menu in a restaurant
   • You are not allowed to smoke in restaurants
   • You are supposed to maintain good manners when eating
• You are not supposed to have to play phone when eating

4    4.Tram
    • You are permitted to stand when the train is full
• You are not permitted to sit on the floor
    • You are expected to  provide a seat for the disabled
    • You are not expected to bring animals

5.    5. Park
     • You are allowed to cycling in the park
     • You are not allowed to pick flowers in the garden
     • You are supposed to cleanliness in the park
     • You are not supposed to scribble on a bench in the park

Minggu, 04 Mei 2014

Weaknesses of Indonesian Economic

Chamber of Indonesia Commerce and Industry (Kadin) declared Indonesian economy that is actually very promising for both domestic and foreign investors. However, there are still weaknesses seeing by Kadin of the economy that need to be addressed. Vice Chairman of Kadin Indonesia, Novian Anindya Bakrie said, promising Indonesian economy is evidenced by incoming investment, private consumption, and vibrant business world.

“But there are still some weaknesses that Indonesia’s economic structure needs to be addressed now,” said Anindya at Menara Kadin Jakarta, Wednesday (06/03/2013).

Anindya see Indonesia’s economic weakness is in the trade deficit. Currently due to larger imports than exports then it makes more Indonesian trade balance to be deficit. Moreover, the largest import of oil and gas.

On the other hand, Anindya also highlights subsidy of oil (BBM) to the people who actually are not even on target. Current budget fuel subsidy enjoyed by the rich instead.

“As the impact, the deficit and the high pressure gas imports that led to the weakening of the rupiah,” he added.

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The Economics of Free

One of the most interesting and unique economic phenomenon to emerge over the last 10 years is the impact of technology in creating products that are free to the consumer. Chris Anderson writes about this in his book entitled “Free”. The most unique aspect of this business model is that it generates tremendous profits for those who know how to use it correctly.

Typically, the advent of a “free” product or service is a sample that is intended to give consumers a taste that entices them to pay for the products in the future. In truth, there is no such thing as free since somebody must pay for everything. However, the rapid acceleration of technology has enabled a business model centered around offering products, services, and content that is free to the end consumer.

Let’s begin by examining the impact of technology as it relates to delivering content and services. Moores Law postulates that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit doubles every 18 months. Practically speaking, this means that the cost per unit of computing power effectively drops in half every 18 months. This means that the cost of providing a product or service to an individual customer rapidly drops to very near zero. Thus, companies who have already built out a technology infrastructure can provide products and services at a very nominal cost. The thing that enables this model is the freedom from content containers such as books, DVD’s, phones, tablets, or some other device for holding or storing content.

By specializing in software based technology products, companies can capture all of the cost advantages offered by Moore’s Law without being constrained by the cost of containers for their content.
In the end, this phenomenon of ‘free’ is continuing to shape the online marketplace and is expected to produce the infrastructure for even more new business models to emerge in the future. It represents a new paradigm that will pose tremendous problems to people and companies entrenched in the status quo and great opportunities to those who understand and leverage this new business model.

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Surviving the Impending Economic Collapse

For the health and wellness of you and your family, you need to be prepared to survive the coming economic collapse. There are many ways to prepare for the end of life as we know it. You will need supplies to sustain your family for days or even a year or more.

Make sure you are ready for the coming economic collapse by stockpiling supplies now. Things we all take for granted like food, water and basic electrical services could become scarce during this time. Start preparations now to cover the basic needs you will have while the country is in turmoil.

Humans cannot live without water. The amount of water you will need to maintain the right amount of water is one gallon per day, per person. If you do not have at least that much water, survival could become a perilous journey. You will need a few different options.

Having a non-perishable food supply is the second most important way to guarantee survival. You and your family will need food containing high amounts of protein, ready to eat meals like those used in the military and plenty of canned fruits and vegetables.

Alternative heat sources
You and your family will need a source of heat. It may be for keeping warm, cooking or washing. If the economy collapses during the winter, you will need something to thaw ice in case your water supply freezes. Gather at least two of these things to ensure your needs are met.

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Women Entrepreneurs Tend to Be More Professional

Women entrepreneurs have shown their movement in the economic development of Indonesia. The minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Sharif Hasan told a group of women entrepreneurs are proactive in improving the welfare at least in their family.

“Women Entrepreneurs is a group of active women who have dared to take the initiative in economic development in order to improve the welfare of the family,” said Sharif at the Young Entrepreneur and Independent Young Technopreneur 2014 in Senayan, Wednesday ( 15/01/2014 ).

Moreover, Sharif said that women entrepreneurs tend to be more professional. “Women entrepreneurs are more responsible and professional in managing finances,” he said .

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